PSY310H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Delayed Puberty, Pubic Hair, Gonadarche

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Also the timespan of puberty varies (quick or slow) Late: 18-21: jeffery arnet says: we do not just transition from late to adulthood, he uses the term emerging adulthood (early to middle 20s) How has the field changed over time: history of adolescence: plato and aristotle (greece: 4th and 5th century bc) were early thinkers of adolescence, boys from age 7-18 were educated and then joined the army until age 30. At age 30, they were recognized as adults: girls were informally educated with household work. Once they reach 18, they were allowed to marry and girls were never recognized as adults. Most of them did not make it there, they were robbed, killed, kidnapped: thus innocence became seen as being naive about understanding the world. 1890-1920: age of adolescence: changes occurred in adolescence, new labour laws emerged and these people were no longer considered adults and instead of working they were put in school, development of compulsory education.