PSY274H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

In the animal kingdom various channels of communication exist. One organism transmits information to another organism ; vague definition. Ex. of vagueness: there are multiple ways to transmit fear. Visual (effectiveness of communication dependent on eye sight and literacy) Must consider function and form of information. In terms of non-human communication, the function of info is very limited. Very broad range of function in human communication (i. e. info can be used to create a social effect, emotional effect, request info, etc. ) Sign: stimulus pattern that has some meaning. Most signs are a combination of peircean signs . Precise interpretation depends on context i. e. wheelchair symbol in a parking lot = In some cases, the category to which a sign belongs to is unclear handicap parking; on a building = wheelchair accessible. Symbols are at the heart of human communication. The use of symbols is very sophisticated partly due to reliance on context. Alarm calls major focus triggered by extreme events.