PSY270H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Agnosia, Prosopagnosia

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Visual system light enters the eye through the pupil, is focused by lens(and cornea) and is projected onto the retina photoreceptors send info about light to the bipolar cells, which send that info to ganglion cells, each time the signal is passed to another type of cells, it gets converged sharpest when light hits fovea photoreceptors in retina: responsible for receiving light energy and changing it into a signal the brain can understand. Im accounts for visual persistence and explains why we perceive a continuous visual image despite fixation saccade cycles: sperling"s iconic memory investigation, sperling wanted to know how much info is available after a very brief presentation, when asked to remember as many letters as they can (whole), people can only remember 3 4 items, when cued to report one row only (partial), people could remember approximately 3 items in that row, reasoned that people had access to approximately 9 items in iconic memory at nay given time.