PSY270H5 Final: FInal Exam Textbook Notes

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18 Jun 2020

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Leads to greater encoding in ltm: serial position effect - repetition may lead to long term memory encoding. In one experiment they presented people with a list of words, one at a time. Exam in a week, space out information about a day, exam in a month, 3-5 day spacing: testing effect when people are asked to retrieve information on their own rather than being exposed passively, they remember better. Meaning of words, someone"s name or an address: many memories begin as episodic and transform to semantic over time, ex. Classes taken a few years ago, you remember the information learnt but may not remember episodic details such as what you wore or where your professor stood, etc: patient k. c. Implicit memory information that is encoded, stored and retrieved in terms of indirect effects on behavior: procedural memory learned abilities to perform some automatic behavioral actions such as walking, or riding a bike.