PSY270H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Cognitive Psychology, Direct And Indirect Realism

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14 Jun 2020

Document Summary

May 2020: memory was first to develop idea of 7+/-2 in short term memory. Ivan pavlov (1849-1936) described what would become the groundwork for behaviourism: classical (pavlovian) conditioning: classical conditioning, meat or meat powder unconditioned stimulus. Input store manipulate (process) output: computer metaphor mind is a type of computer. What is a plant: grounding linking symbol to the real thing in the world it represents and solving that problem, humans don"t face the grounding problem because of our bodies. Ideally participants should also be randomly assigned to different levels of the iv: sometimes this isn"t possible ex. Sex when looking at difference between males and females, cannot randomly assign to see difference. Input/sensation: need light, energy to enter eye and be able to process that. Image demon takes picture and sends input demon (ex. May 2020: we use what we know about how the world is structured to perceive 3d objects from.