PSY220H5 Midterm: Lecture 5 - 8

157 views14 pages
24 Apr 2016

Document Summary

In study after study, most people agree that the mass media influences attitudes. They say it"s other people"s attitudes who"re influenced, not their own (duck et al. Occurs when audience focuses on the arguments and responds with favorable thoughts. Processing is elaborate, requires high effort, and can"t agree or counter-argue. Persuasion through cogent arguments that evoke enduring agreement. Occurs when audience influenced by incidental cues, such as speaker"s attractiveness. Processing uses peripheral cues, low effort, rule of thumb heuristics. Persuasion through cues triggering liking and acceptance but often only temporarily. 62% of all shoppers at a discount store buy at least one unplanned item. Half of all supermarket buys are impulse items. Brand name pharmaceuticals vastly outsell the unadvertised brands (aspirin) No name products are brand name products sold with a different label much cheaper but purchased much less. Ads using animals, babies, or sex appeal work best.