PHL220H5- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Historically, the term existentialism was the name given by the french philosopher jean-paul sartre (1905-1980) to a philosophical view developed by him in the late 1930"s and early 1940"s. Sartre"s associates and followers -- such as albert camus and simone de beauvoir also considered themselves existentialists. by further extension, they applied the term existentialism to the ideas of philosophers and literary figures whom they saw as predecessors. Others have applied the term to philosophers and writers either who saw themselves as influenced by sartre or those same predecessors, or who were regarded as having views in common with them. Along with sartre and his associates, some of the main figures in existentialism include: martin heidegger, karl. Jaspers, s ren kierkegaard, friedrich nietzsche, fyodor dostoevsky, franz kafka, and others. The influence of existentialist ideas can be found in a wide variety of thinkers and writers in the 20th century: from philosophers, to literary figures and playwrights, to theologians, and even psychoanalysts.