[POL114H5] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (30 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 2 history and global politics: war and peace. Long dominated goes back to sung su, niccole machiavelli. Main components: see international order as one of anarchy motivated by: survival. There are ways by which we can eliminate war. Create standards about things such as electricity voltage differences: european union: each member state have transferred some of their sovereignty to the eu, periods of economic expansion make it easier to negotiate treaties and alliances. Hu(cid:373)a(cid:374) (cid:374)ature: they do(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e (cid:374)ature they ha(cid:448)e history; (cid:374)ature is shaped (cid:271)y the circumstances that surround them. Feminist point out that realism is a patriarch approach to politics. Has not succeeded in creating a theoretical framework. States occupy in a defined territory recognition of territory is fairly new. Possess a permanent population prior to wwi, states started to issue passports; problem: what to do with people who are not recognized as citizens by anyone; no loyalty. Sovereignty domestic affairs are absolute; not maintained.