MGM102H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rand Formula, Industrial Revolution, W. M. Keck Observatory

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Management has the responsibility of producing a profit through maximum productivity while labour is interested in fair and competent management, human dignity, decent working conditions, fair share, etc. Union an employee organization that has the main goal of representing members in employee. Importance to protect other workers from intolerable work conditions and harsh treatment. Craft union an organization of skilled specialists in particular craft or trade. Industrial revolution pushed the need for unions b/c workers were working in unsafe conditions, long hours, and child labour was used. Industrial revolution consists of unskilled and semi-skilled workers in mass production industries such as automobile manufacturing and mining. Union density a measure of percentages of workers that belong to unions. Canada"s largest union which represents workers in sectors like health care, education, municipalities, transportation, emergency services, and airlines. Labour legislation the growth of organized labour in canada depends on two major factors: law and public opinion.