MGM102H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canada Industrial Relations Board, Canada Labour Code, Union Shop

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1 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Employee-management issues: union: employee organization that has the main goal of representing members in employee- Chapter 10: labour relations management bargaining over job-related issues. The early history of organized labour: craft union: organization of skilled specialists in a particular craft or trade; unions are used to protect employees" craft and status from being undermined. Industrial union: consists of unskilled and semi-skilled workers in mass-production industries; ex- automobile manufacturing and mining. Labour legislation: growth and influence of organized labour in canada have depended on the law and public, canada labour code: legislation that governs labour-management relations for employees in opinion. Resolving labour-management disputes: grievance: protest by one employee with the support of the union, when they believe that management is not following or fulfilling the terms of the labour contract. Shop stewards: union officials that work permanently in an organization and represent employee interests on a daily basis; usually the ones to solve grievances.