MGM101H5 Final: MGM101 Final Exam Study Guide

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21 Nov 2017
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MGM101H5 Full Course Notes
MGM101H5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Formalizing a selected strategy and documenting the steps that managers must follow to put that strategy into effect. The process of thinking on a continual basis what strategies an organization should pursue to attain its goals. Strategizing is more than just planning, it involves constantly thinking about strategic alternatives. Who within an organization will perform what tasks. How different parts of the organization will coordinate their activities with other parts of the organization. A factor that motivates individuals to pursue a particular course of action. The process of motivating, influencing, and directing others in the organization to work productively in pursuit of organization goals. Refers to the task of hiring, training, mentoring, and rewarding employees in an organization, including managers. The knowledge, skills, and capabilities embedded in individuals. Responsible for the overall performance of an organization or one of its major self contained subunits or divisions. Responsible for specific business functions that form a company or one of its divisions.