HIS242H5 Final: History Finals Answers.doc

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10 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Wwi ripped through european democracies, intensified by the great depression. The polarization of europeans towards either the radical left or the extreme right, resulting in right-wing authoritarian states in italy (1922), germany (1933) and portugal (also 1933); and as we know, fascist. Germany and italy go on to start wwii. In germany, the nazi party becomes a major party, but was never actually voted into power in an attempt to use hitler"s popular movement to move germany towards an even more authoritarian system, Hindenburg appoints hitler as chancellor, who then seizes power quickly. The liberal states were deprived by their depression remedies of both the material and moral means and the will to oppose the dictators resolutely. Originally, the german republic had been governed by the great coalition (comprised of no fewer than. 5 political parties), but after the great depression came along, the great coalition splintered over how to deal w/ it (ex. cutting unemployment benefits, raise taxes)