FSC239Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Body Fluid, Trace Evidence, Comparison Microscope

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9 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Know chemical names from text and their uses. Know breakdown of cases (by rank not %) Know what cases they deal with the most. How they used their findings, ie safety. *dna profiles steps and purpose of tests and principle limitation of what info can come from dna ie. age, stature. Know what samples can come: semen, saliva, blood. Know the tests and the specific ways. Know how to report the findings localization use alternate lights. Definition of gsr and why is it a misnomer. Know how an exam is done how big shape of particle has to be. Know how close things were by the residue studies: distance, suicide. Know application: tempered glass used in windshield to prevent death. How is it handed comparison microscope and cross section of hair. Where they get accreditation from and which government does it. What makes it a coroners exam (fire deaths)