ENV250Y5 Final: Exam Review

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10 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Lecture 1. 2: environmental indicators tell us how canada is doing. Immigration not really, no difference in environmental attitudes between immigrants and natives: population vs. affluence not really population, its rich people that pollute more, environmental quality depends on where you live in canada regionalism. 3 branches of government parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy: executive branch (pm and cabinet) implement laws (put them into action, all spending of public revenue (taxpayer dollars) must be introduced by the cabinet (selected from the. Look at constitution and prior case law to render decisions. Lecture 2. 2: ontario"s laws pass through the legislative assembly (then implemented by executives, interpreted by judicial, municipal government administers services responsibilities passed on to them by the provincial government. Trudeau is moving away from open federalism (little communication between provinces) to cooperative federalism (trudeau federalism) working relationships within and between provinces (ex. , pan-canadian frameworks)