ENV100Y5 Midterm: ENV Midterm Review

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16 Jul 2016
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ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Testing ideas through observation, questioning, and experimentation: assumptions. The universe works according to natural laws. Events arise from causes, and cause other events. We use logic, systematic testing, and our senses to understand natural laws: scientists . Make observations -> ask questions -> hypotheses (preliminary explanations) -> predictions (specific statements that can be tested) -> test -> interpret test results (support or reject hypothesis: the scientific process. Uncertainty is a fundamental part of the scientific process. A consistently supported hypothesis becomes a theory. Some theories lead to a paradigm shift. Technosphere = manufacturing, agriculture, transportation production of energy vs. Ecosphere lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere the conflict btw. People in the past sprayed ddt on children -> now risk and now still in africa, malaria is a bigger threat, so would rather spray that, different weights. Un - comprehensive scientific assessment of the state of the world"s ecosystems and their ability to support life and civilization.