ANT322H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Liminality, Sex Symbol, Anti-Imperialism

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Essay questions: argue for or against the statements with reference to 3 different course readings, videos. Some would argue that period of youth is categorized by liminality is this use way of understanding youth. Liminality: a stage that can be expressed as the in between: where one is separated from a previous state but has not fully reached the next stage. For youth, liminality may refer to a stage in between adolescence and adulthood: there are often rituals that allow a transition between life stages. Rituals, backpacking and samoan youth show liminality can be used to categorize and understand youth. Turner applies the concept of liminality to rites of passages. He explains that initiations are a big part of these rites and it is a way cultures move youth into an adult category. Such as the moon, bears and hibernation, snakes. Liminoid, another type of rite of passage but considered informal.