ANT211H5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Life History Theory, Dung Beetle, Monogamy

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14 Feb 2016

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Monogamy is when mates are faithful to each other. Mountain goats, males and females live apart, males have no home, and females only mate in the fall and raise babies alone. They know when females are ready to mate by smelling and licking the air. The baboons, males mate with as many females as possible. Males have to woo the females, and he invests time in courtship by grooming even when she"s not in estrous so that he can win her trust. He even grooms the babies to show the females that he is a good and caring father. Females show acceptance and friendship in the make by grooming him back. Male baboon tries to hassle the baby and make it cry and then picks it up to comfort it to show he"s a good guardian. For giraffes, males go necking which isn"t an actual fight, they do this to show strength and establish dominance without drawing blood.