ANT211H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Plastic Surgery, Role Theory

44 views5 pages
6 Dec 2020

Document Summary

This weeks podcast episode, cosmetic surgery and advertising, focuses on how our materialistic world distorts a woman"s body image. The overall theme of this episode was how does advertisements and cosmetic surgery make women feel about themselves and behave towards their partners, as well as other women. This theme can be further exemplified by looking at evolution. Cosmetic surgery and sexual advertisements ultimately create the idea that being more attractive is valuable when securing a partner. This relates to evolution as it can explain primitively, women who were more biologically fit were ideal mates for producing offspring. As the more fit woman would produce healthier and ultimately more offspring. Going forward in evolution, being biologically fit is not determined by a women"s features and overall their attractiveness. It also was mentioned within the podcast that women who already have partners actually felt they could do without cosmetic surgery as they already secured a mate.