ANT211H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Variation between individuals leads to competition for reproductive opportunities. Certain individuals will be more successful reproductively than others. Traits are passed on from parents to offspring and therefore have generational repercussions. Where animals vary, and where those variations are at least partly inherited, the less successful varieties will be eliminated, and the more successful will become relatively numerous. A successful organisms traits must be passed on to descendents. Those descendents must reach maturity and reproduce. Examines sexual behaviours from the ideas of darwinian natural selection. The study of behavior based on darwinian paradigm. Basis in population genetics and evolutionary theory. All behaviours in human species are extrapolated from the evolutionary theory of natural selection. Natural selection allows us to answer to why questions of human behavior. Competition between same sex for reproductive success. Survival is relevant only in the service of reproduction. Being fit in biology means reproductive success.