ANT203H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Primatology: what is a primate, overview of the primates, primate behavioural ecology, primate conservation biology. Paleoanthropology: primate origins, hominin origins, homo erectus and contemporaries, premodern humans, homo sapiens. What is culture: unconscious standards by which societies operate, usually socially learned rather than being acquired through inheritance ex. Language, religion, food preferences, music etc: manifestations of culture vary from place to place, but all are equal (one is not better than the other) Language acquisition as uniquely human (ability to speak: historical linguists - history of language, how it has changed through time. Structural linguists - how contemporary languages differ in how they are constructed and formed. Socio linguists - how language is used in a social context. Study of human biology within the framework of evolution: emphasis on the interaction b/w biology and culture, darwin, 1859 on the origin of species. First came to light in the 18th and 19th c.