ANT202H5- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Theory a set of hypotheses that have been tested repeatedly and that have not been rejected. Term is different in the context of social science literature. Taxonomy science of describing and classifying organisms. Proposed by carolus linnaeus: did not believe in evolution. Species a group populations whose members can interbreed naturally produce fertile offspring. Genus groups of species with similar adaptations. Catastrophism a (rejected) hypothesis that posited a series of catastrophes in the planet"s past destroyed many living creatures. Following these catastrophes, organisms from unaffected areas moved in. Proposed by georges cuvier: did not believe in evolution. Theory of use and disuse (rejected) hypothesis that the environment would affect the shape and organization of animals during one"s lifetime. Proposed by jean-baptiste lamarcke: one of the earliest believers in evolution. Uniformitarianism the observation that the geological processes that operate in the world today also operated in the past. Further supported by charles lyell: did not believe in evolution, friend of darwin.