ANT200H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 164 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Interest in the past (antiquarianism) vs systematic study of the past (archaeologists) Worsaae came up with the three age system. Follows scientific procedure: identify the problem through observations, formulate hypothesis, check the hypothesis using data generated from additional observations, confirm or falsify the hypothesis, if falsified, adjust the hypothesis accordingly and start over again. Verify contents of historical records sometimes uncover new docs. Focus on evidence, reasoning, and weaknesses of evolution. What is science: must be testable. Change that occurs over time that is responsible for the diversity of the species we see in the world today. Organisms compete for limited resources key factor behind evolution. Diversity within a single species can lead to an advantage in different ecosystems, or when the environment changes: e. g. Species are not fixed natural selection acts all the time because things are always changing: e. g. wisdom teeth.