ANT101H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Paranthropus Boisei, Mary Leakey, Foramen Magnum

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17 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Unique features not seen on miocene apes: ardepithecus, aramis, ethiopia 4. 4 mya (reassigned to 5. 8-5. 2 mya) Australopithecines characteristics: ape-like from waist up o. Large flaring cheek bones-ape like o o o o: human-like from the waist down o. Bipedal: s spine; forward foramen magnum; basin shaped pelvis (short, wide, iliac) A. anamesis: ape-like jaw and cranium, thick enamel on dentition, bipedal. Stature 3 to 4 ft: the first family (1975) At least 13 individuals, including 4 infants: fossilized footprints. Laetoli, tanzania (couple walking by foot side by side: specific characteristics. Estimated to be 3 4 years of age at death (development more similar to apes than humans) brain 405cc: specific characteristics of. Australopithecine has pelvis similar to modern human. First find: olduvai gorge (1959) by mary leakey. Originally called zinjanthropus boisei by louis leakey 1. 75 mya. Cheek bones flare out to the sides. Lake turkana, kenya, east africa (1985) 2. 5 mya.