SRS 1510 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Decision-Making, Rationality

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Re the concentration of media ownership: the new concentration of media ownership ultimately benefits the public, concentration of ownership is dangerous for people and society it depends. Which one should decide what is news: market forces, the media exist mainly to make profits, the media must serve the public interest to maintain credibility. #2 because you are sticking to ethical conduct. It is a choice of action of what to do or not to do. Crisis is the worst situation, because it can lead to wars and other things etc. achieve goals, and they are based on beliefs about what actions will achieve the goals. The process of decision making consists of 8 stages: information input, analysis, performance measure, model, strategies, prediction of outcomes, choice criteria, resolutionz. The high level of stress experienced during international crises makes the study of crisis decision making very important for assessing the effects of that stress .