SRS 1110 Study Guide - Collective Unconscious, Bsc Young Boys, Necromancy

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Supernatural: entities and actions that transcend the natural world of cause and effect. Mount sinai, mount olympus: orion, constellation of stars, in greece, it is a story of a half mortal who was killed by a scorpion sent by an angry apollo who"s sister artemis was in love with orion. Artemis and apollo placed orion in the sky so artemis would always remember him. Apollo also placed the scorpion in the sky to always chase orion. When orion sets, the scorpion rises signalling the defeat of. All living things are animated by souls: robert r marett. Sanctions were designed to keep people in line but were not enough. For society to survive certain feelings need to be encouraged into people"s minds: bronislaw malinowski. Religion= purpose in meeting basic human needs. Magic is a system in which people turn to in times of stress: the interpretive approach, clifford geertz.