SOC 3123 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Equity, Child Tax Credit, Basic Income

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Soc 3123 study guide - notes lectures midterm. There are several elements that contribute to our health: 1) biology/genetics; 2) health care; 3) personal lifestyle; and 4) physical and social environments. Especially the physical and social environments are the focus in this course. this can include living and working conditions, cultural norms, social support or exclusion, and social status and roles/identities. Preventing illness and improving the health of an entire population depends largely on the social-economic, cultural and environmental conditions. We should address this because of the moral imperative (health is a basic necessity and fundamental right for all) and the effectiveness argument (this is more effective use of tax dollars than investing in more medical care). Unnatural causes ep1: in sickness and in wealth. Gradation in health and wealth is a ladder. This relates to access to health, health policies, social class, education, power, and security.