SOC 3116 Study Guide - Linguistic Imperialism, Old Media, New Media

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10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Inattentional blindness- we think that we are paying attention, we are not aware of our blindness. Messaging: includes advertising, telling us that we need technology in our lives for whatever reason (school, work, popularity), pressured to use technology, little opportunity to decline) Technology is not a force of nature- created by humans for humans. Facebook, twitter, smartphones, internet computers (processing capacity enabling all of the previous mentioned) Article- 5 things you should know about technology there is always a tradeoff: benefits some, harms others embedded in all technologies are assumptions/ideas that influence how we behave. There are culturally contingent (tied to culture) assumptions ecological change is not additive, but accumulative. Old media: traditional media tv, radio, newspapers. New media: social media internet based communication, email, sms, twitter, etc. Old media is 1-way, new media is 2-way communication. Change in what we communicate (ie. content) is altered by how we communicate.