[SOC3106] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (35 pages long!)

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Bring texts to every class** will underline all important sentences. Midterm/exams: multiple choice and short answer questions (4-5 lines, answer shortest but most precise way possible) Weber was born in 1864 and died in 1920. Published most of his books between 1900-1920. After writing protestant ethics book weber wrote books about other: 1916 published his essay on india (exactly 100 years ago) Weber was born in erfurt, germany the 1st of 8 children in a well-to-do industrial family. His father was a lawyer and high administrator off the city of berlin and a member of the general parliament them as refugees because he thought they were industrious people that would bring his province forward. His mother was from a huguenot family. Huguenot: french protestants, pursued by the french king, there was a. Went to a good school in germany called the gymnasium (best schools in famous night where lots were killed, tried to flee prussian king accepted.