[SOC2106] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (12 pages long)

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1/17/17 (1) defining deviance and social problems: a brief review of a social problem. Norms are rules and expectations by which a society guides the behaviour of its members. They may be either prescriptive (don"t) or proscriptive (do). There are two special types of norms that were identified by william graham sumner: mores (right and wrong) and folkways (right and rude). As we internalize norms, we respond critically to our own behaviour through shame or guilt. Social control: formal (anything related to the government, e. g. military, police) and informal (e. g. friends, family, school). Ethnocentrism is the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one"s own culture. Sociologists tend to discourage this practice; instead, they advocate cultural relativism, the practice of judging a culture by its own standards. Aspects of life that are seen to warrant concern and intervention. The identification of a social problem is the outcome of a social process including a moral evaluation of people"s behaviour.