SOC 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism

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Part a - 10 questions, from chapter 1 of text. The systematic study of human society and social interactions. Don"t just write 2 worded examples, write a story. Prejudice and stereotypes are related in the sense that they both are defined as a judgement of a group of people because of the specific group and not judging the individual based on himself. A stereotype can be positive, negative, or a neutral belief about a group dependant on their race, nationality, gender, classetc. It is the prejudgement of characteristics of a group; whereas a prejudice is a negative opinion of a person depending on the specific group to which they belong, usually a belief that has been passed down from generations. An example of stereotype is that women are more nurturing and caring than men. A prejudice would be an upper class member not liking middle class individuals for fear that association with them would damage their reputation.