SOC 1101 Midterm: MIDTERM 1 REVIEW

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25 Feb 2018

Document Summary

All study aspects of human behaviour and social life, but each social science has a different focus. The culture or way of life of a society. Economic conditions and how people organize, produce and contribute goods. Definition of sociology: the systematic study of human groups and their interactions. The unique way in which sociologists see our world and can dissect the dynamic relationship between individuals and their larger social network in which we all live. Deviance down: made it okay to say certain things. Developing an appreciation of how individuals challenges are influenced by larger social forces. Ex: rosa parks couldn"t sit at the front of the bus due to racial segregation and got arrested. Ex: colin kaepernick took a knee during the american anthem because he was opposed to the police brutality at the time. Social issues are caused by larger social factors. We must examine the largest sociological forces and how they affect individuals.