SCS2150- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 27 pages long!)

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Document Summary

An explanation of observed regularities or patterns. To assess adequacy of a particular social theory. To gather information to create social theory. Limited in scope and can be tested directly. E. g . , seymour martin lipset"s theory of democracy. General and abstract, cannot be tested directly. Specify the key terms in a theory. Ex: crime is any violation of the canadian criminal code. Outline the characteristics of the phenomena of interest. Connect two or more variables, knowing the value of one variable conveys information about the other. One way to conduct social scientific inquiry is through dedication. Using deduction, one begins with a theory explanation for something, then goes out into world and tests it. Process of deduction ( figure 1. 1 : theory, hypotheses, data collection, finding, hypotheses confirmed or rejected, revision of theory. Research hypothesis: testable expectation about empirical reality that follows from more general proposition (a theory) Level of economic development has positive effect on democracy.