PSY 4105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Separation Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Conduct Disorder

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Lecture 1: introduction: 1 in 8 children diagnosed; do not receive the health services they need. How are children different from adults: rapid developmental changes, emotions, language, relationships and cognitive function, patterns of development are not the same for every child. Triad of influence: biology -> school/peers -> family. Early childhood maltreatment could result in eating disorder, mood disorder, conduct disorder or narrow adjustment: equifinality: different causes, same final outcome, ex. Genetic patterns, familial characteristics or environmental features could all cause in conduct disorder. Developmental trajectories of disorders: childhood---> adolescence--->adulthood: children tend to grow out of some disorders (nightmare disorders, enuresis) Still others remain but with significantly altered symptoms (adhd and depression: teenagers with adhd are 7x more likely to get into an accident, they are less hyper and less busy, but they (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t focus, restlessness. Etiology: refers to the factors that contribute to the development of a psychological disorder. Major theories of etiology: biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, cognitive-behavioural, attachment.