PSY3306- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 77 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Cvd is in heart and blood transport/circulatory system (veins and arteries) Mortality rates from cvd declined (highest 60s-70s) (equal m&f) = chronic cvd. People with depression more likely to suffer cvd and die from it >> psychological risk factors // cdv can also cause depression because . Cvd impacts qol via interpersonal relations and role functioning. Biopsychosocial model and cvd disease process >> behavioural and social determinants (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia = injury to endothelium causes atherosclerosis>> smoking, obesity, activity, diet, distress) Complete blockage = mi myocardial infarction heart attack. Cr cardiovascular rehabilitation (i. e. help return to work after heart attack) nutrition), exercise training, social support, stress management. Modifies risk factors through edu, counselling (adherence, smoking cessation, Patients need emotional support, physical communication needs to be efficient, physicians need to follow up. Heart attack warning signs: chest discomfort (returning or continuous) and discomfort in upper body (arms, back, neck, jaw, stomach), shortness of breath, or cold sweats, nausea, light headedness.