PSY 3306 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Belief Model, Psychoneuroimmunology, Smoking Cessation

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Document Summary

Health psychologists use psychological information on behaviour to improve. Hp defined as or maintain health/manage psychological symptoms of illness. Hp is a growing field; patient quality of life. Hp saves the hc system money and increases. Psychosomatic symptom (heinroth, alexander) > emotional problem underlies. A lot of today"s diseases have to do with behaviour (not infectious) Our thoughts and perceptions influence our behaviour and therefore our health (bj rush)(thoughts regarding health, threat, cure, vulnerability, benefits, barriers, consequences, and efficacy) 2: body systems and psychological doh * . Angina, atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup), atrial electrical system, reliable pattern of activity; Fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythm) and (heart attack) Copd (asthma) digestion; halted in stress, can produce ulcers [vs bacteria-causes?] Gastrointestinal system : mechanical and chemical process of. Renal & urinary systems : blood waste removal; blood pressure control; Immune system : protects body from infection; inflammation; affected electrolytes; by stress; autoimmunity & [novel] threat detection; How psychological influences affect our bodily systems: