PSY 3303 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeostasis, Self-Actualization, Opiate

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Freud"s biological determinism - humans are determined by their biological instinct. Fromm adopted: ost of what is real is not conscious and most of what is conscious is not real. Marx"s socioeconomic determinism humans are determined by the structure of their society & economic and political constraints. Present day sense of insignificance in face of powerful coorperations, massive companies. Fromm adopt: as long as humans accept external control by social customs and institutions, they can never be free. Liberal freedoms- ie. the freedom to act liberal freedom is the freedom for us to walk in the city without a curfew. Existential freedom- the freedom to be who we are. Destructiveness this is a form of escape from existential freedom (the freedom to be). Destructiveness is the aim to annihilate the object that causes the feeling of being powerless. It is rooted in the sense of aloneness. Destruction is the outcome of an unlived life.