PSY 3171 Midterm: Midterm #2 Complete Notes

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Gas: someone is worrying excessively about work, finances, health, etc. Fear: immediate alarm reaction to a true alarm. Anxiety: future related apprehension (somatic symptoms: mood, jittery, sick, worry) Panic: immediate alarm reaction to a false alarm. Fear is adaptive for survival, but can be maladaptive in a current context (ex. if you fear social situations). Yerkes-dodson model: where arousal/anxiety promotes the best performance. High anxiety is what we don"t want and permits anxiety disorder. 55% of people with one anxiety disorder meet the criteria for another anxiety disorder. Because of the similar diagnostic criteria, one disorder can contribute to another, two disorders can share the same cause. Generalized biological vulnerability: heritable contribution to negative affect, high negative affect which makes the person more negative, more anxiety prone. Generalized psychological vulnerability: sense that events are uncontrollable, unpredictable, tendency to lack self confidence and an inability to cope, lacks lotus of control.