PSY3128- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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Document Summary

What is aging: begins at birth, senescence: the final stage(s) of the normal lifespan. Chronological: e. g. , aged 65: no basis in biology, age selected for retirement in early 20th century. Biological: aging of different systems: these changes affect some people more than others. Social: how/where i fit with other people: age-related beginning (grandparenthood at 30) or cessation (athletic retirement at 30) of roles. Biopsychosocial this is what aging is, biological, psychological and social processes. We organize the study of adult development and aging using the biopsychosocial model: Biological age- functioning of organ systems: heart rate, bp, glucose levels, muscle and bone strength. Psychological age- functioning of psychological tests: reaction time, learning ability, memory, intelligence. Social age- social roles occupied (do you give up certain roles?: parental, grandparental status, work role, retirement status. Brain age predicts mortality - abstract; not on exam.