PSY 3123 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pierre Trudeau, Telecommuting, Sandwich Generation

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A 2004 study published outlined that it was healthier to be married. Divorce: is the legal dissolution of a marriage. Separation: a couple whose relationship breaks down and they decide to live apart. Divorce is not uniform and should not be oversimplified as there is different experiences in every family. In each canada, laws were strict and divorce was infrequent. The church denied divorce all together and adultery by the wife was the only grounds for legal divorce because of inheritance laws. After confederation in 1867 if there was no divorce court in the province you could submit the bill to parliament. Men had to prove their wife had cheated. Women had to prove that they were deserted because divorce was so time consuming desertion was the poor mans divorce. After wwii the canadian government implemented no fault principles for divorce.