PSY 3122 Quiz: Human Sexual Behaviour PSY3122

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11 May 2017

Document Summary

Choice of doing a paper to boost grade: topic and two aspects (etiology, treatment, etc. ) Interdisciplinary: orientation/preference, acts, bodies of self/others, physical/emotional/behaviour/practices, deviation from norm, expression, reproduction, pleasure. Chapter 2: theoretical perspectives (theories provide perspective; one is not enough/doesn"t capture complexity of human sexuality by using just one) know freud, kinsey, masters & If your traits aren"t helping you reproduce, they"ll die off. Queer studies examine how diversity and variations in sex, gender and desires (sexualities) and abandon binary sexuality. Culture shapes human behaviour more than biology: provides insight into the ways in which culture influences sexual behaviour, ethnocentrism, diversity and universality of sexual norms. End result of incision opens foreskin to expose glands, important for enhancement of sexual experience: girls: get period, taught by experienced female about sexual techniques, how to move pelvis for pleasure. Mons pubis is most erotic part for them.