PSY 3109 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Food Energy, Homeostasis

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Hot & cool theory of delay of gratification. Psychological state of arousal resulting from a physiological need. Ex: people with strong need to achieve will seek out challenging tasks and will be satisfied with achieving that task. Conscious value a person places on a stimulus or activity. Ex: the conscious concern for getting an. A rather than b on a test: physiological needs: homeostasis, food, water, sleep, shelter, safety & protection: absence of fear, security, stability, affiliation & belonging: establishment of friends, lovers, family, status & self-esteem: respect, recognition. Hot emotional system: quick emotional responding to triggers. The go-system activated when a stimulus promises us a reward. Mobilization of activation of energy that occurs in preparation of or during a behavior. Bodily changes that correspond to our feelings of being energized. Range of feelings from calmness to tense and anxious. Range of feelings from tired and sleepy to alert and awake.