PSY3105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Themes and approaches to adolescent psychology: ecological systems: micro and macro approaches such as bronfrenbrenner"s ecological systems theory. As an adolescent goes through fundamental changes in their biological, cognitive, and self- systems, each of these sets of changes acts on or is acted on by the other systems. Everything occurs within a set of interlocking social contexts. These include their parents and family, peers, school, community, and larger culture: stage-environment fit: what stage is the adolescent at emotionally and cognitively. Interpersonal: shift in in uence from family to peers achievement of intimacy with peers. My analysis: while a lot of factors such as familial, sexual, physical factors correlate with stages in life which we would attribute to the stages of adolescence or adulthood, i do not think they serve as a concrete explanation. I believe that the culture, education, and peer group in uences act together to create a de ned chronological age of adolescence for within a particular context.