PSY 3103 Final: Complete Final Notes

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Learning doesn"t mean any change in behaviour but is an enduring change in the mechanisms of behaviour involving specific stimuli and/or responses that result from prior experience or similar stimuli and responses. ex. Little albert learned to fear all things fluffy because he was taught to fear a white rabbit. It is up the the individual to associate similar stimuli . Change being an internal readjustment in a way of thinking. Learning can occur without a change in behaviour, behaviour change can occur without learning. No, because perhaps the proper conditions have not been used; certain conditions to elicit behaviour. 2: she had a history exam from 9am to noon and got 90%, from noon until 3pm she had a literature exam and got 85%, then she got a 50% on her math exam at 6pm. No, she could have been influenced by fatigue, hunger, distraction, and the timing was not a fair test od he knowledge.