PSY 3101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brainstem, Anomie, Corneal Reflex

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Topics: living wills, wills, euthanasia, organ donation. Living wills p. o. a. (power of attorney) Formal prepared professionally by an attorney, notarized and has a certain amount of witnesses. Informal the law says that the true intentions of the will-maker should not be defeated by the strict formalities of making a will. However, a court would have to be sure about what the person"s intentions were: up to 30% of recipients currently waiting for a transplant will die before. 1500 lives saved or enhanced due to transplantation. 1,882 lives saved or enhanced due to transplantation: kidney 1112, liver 408, heart 172, lung 120, heart/lung 4, pancreas 18, pancreas/kidney 47, bowel 1 harder than just a heart or a lung. False beliefs: organ goes to rich rather than the most sick, answers depend on if willing to donate, recipient abused their health, take organs prematurely, canada has one of the highest donation rates. 19% believe that will take organs prematurely (cid:190) (cid:190) (cid:190)