PSY 2106 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Data Set

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Psy2106 lab assignment 3: a) (6 points) test if there is a positive relationship between genuine interest motivation and the number of seconds the student spent on the survey. We tested whether there is a positive relationship between genuine interest motivation and the number of seconds the student spent on the survey. No: a) (7 points) test if there is a relationship between a person"s mother tongue and whether or not the person"s hearing is generally good. We tested whether there is a relationship between a person"s mother tongue and whether or not the person"s hearing is good. Of the participants who"s mother tongue was french, 156 people had bad hearing and 286 people had good hearing. Of the participants who"s mother tongue was english, 192 people had bad hearing and 975 people had good hearing. Of the participants who"s mother tongue was something other than french or.