PSY2105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Concerned with changes in behaviour and abilities across the lifespan. Goals of developmental psychology: descriptive, explanation. Looks at differences but also explains them. Topically: our textbook, multiple domains are developing simultaneously. Really the most change occurs between 0-2 years. Today, childhood = special period of caring, teaching, and protection. Now, back to short: pressure to produce smart successful human beings and it trickles down to kids, sexualizing, higher rates of teen pregnancies and teen suicides. The rate of child poverty in canada has increased from 15. 8% in 1989 to 19% in 2013. Child poverty rates are nearly double for indigenous children, at 40% per cent. Childhood is a period of rapid change we want to explain the change and why it happens. Complex processes are more easily understood during their formation i. e. learning a language. Toddlerhood is more when the child begins to start moving a lot. An orderly, integrated, evidence-based set of statements that.