PSY2105- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Tabula rasa; all behaviors are learned because the mind is a blank slate at birth. Children gain knowledge through experience and learning. Children are born with innate knowledge that drives development. Examining and evaluating specifics of a culture is crucial to understanding human development. Each culture should be examined and evaluated on its own terms. Natural selection; advantageous traits are passed on for survival. Theory gave rise to recapitulation development of individuals repeats development of species. Baby biography; one of the first developmental studies of own child: stanley hall father of child psychology. James mark baldwin 1st canadian development psychologist. Different erogenous zones at various stages of development, stimulation results in pleasure. Oral, anal, phallic (oedipus complex, repression, identification), latent, genital. Fixation manifests itself in later adult behaviour. Driven by genetic processes, resolved by social and cultural surroundings. Wild + doctor + less technological advances = never learned to talk.