PSY 1102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, Factor Analysis, Intellectual Disability

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PSY 1102 Full Course Notes
PSY 1102 Full Course Notes
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People assign the term intelligence to the qualities that enable success in their own time and culture. Intelligence is the mental potential to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations. Spearman"s general intelligence factor and thurstone"s response. Spearman: believed we have one general intelligence (g) that is at the heart of all our intelligent behaviour (general mental capacity) Thurstone: identi ed seven clusters of primary mental abilities. Someone who scored well on one cluster typically scored well on others, giving evidence of this g factor: theories of multiple intelligences. De ned 8 relatively independent intelligences: naturalist, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal. Savant syndrome: a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional speci c skill (majority males, also have autism) Analytical (academic problem-solving) intelligence: assessed by intelligence tests which present problems with a single right answer. Creative intelligence: innovative smarts, ability to generate novel ideas.