PSY 1101 Midterm: Midterm 1 Notes Ch 1,2,6

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Therapy and counseling is a small portion of psychology. Psych is linked to every aspect of life. The link between mind and body is huge. Personality puts you at risk for certain diseases. Can"t use intuition to understand the natural world. Describes what has happened better than what will happen. The tendency to believe that after learning an outcome, it could have been foreseen/predicted. Humans tend to overestimate their own knowledge should be. More sure of our knowledge and its accuracy than we. Overestimate and over-exaggerate the accuracy of our answers and knowledge. experts. Tetlock: scientifically studies opinion s and predictions of. Follows up to see if predictions were correct. Based on research, performance is dismal less than chance accuracy! predictions. On average: 80% confidence with less than 40% correct. Relationship between 2 variables when there is none. They do have effects; influence and effect emotions + thinking.