PSY 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ultradian Rhythm, Psilocybin Mushroom, Orexin

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Trandsducion: receptor translates the physical energy into something the nervous system can understand (acion potenial, electrical signal) Percepion: the integraion of sensory informaion with permanently stored memories to form a percept . In all modaliies, our receptors provide us at least 5 criical features of the simulus. Minimum amount of physical energy necessary to detect a simulus on 50% of imes. A detecion of minimum change in energy. The magnitude that a simulus has to be increased or decreased in order for a change to be detected is a constant proportion (not a constant addiion) Intensity is a constant, diference threshold is a constant proporion. The absolute threshold may vary for reasons that have nothing to do with sensiivity . Subjects might be more or les willing to indicate that they have detected a low intensity simulus. Thus, on some trials, a no-simulus catch trial is included. If the subject answers yes, it is considered to be a false alarm.